At the Brickyard
$ 1,250.00
24”x16” Signed, Limited Edition, hand colored black & white lithograph from an original black and white pen & ink drawing. Print - 50. Each is an original water color and air brush on a lithographed black & white print on 100 lb water color paper. Historical significance: shows Bill Mitchell’s original 1958 Stingray racer show car version with the number “11” built and competitively raced in the late 1950s with likenesses of Bill Mitchell, V.P. of Design for GM, Ken Eischbach, who helped to build the racer, Dr. Dick Thompson, “The Flying Dentist,” who raced the car and Zora Duntov, who was one of the most influential designers of the early Corvettes. hypothetically located on the brick track and tower of the older construction of the Indianapolis Race Track then known as, “The Brickyard”. Also included in the composition are likenesses of the historical 1956 Corvette SS and the 1956 SR-2. the latter which Bill Mitchell used as a base for the Stingray. Shown is # 4/50. $1250. ea.
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